Charles Wright
Yoga Coda I Buffalo Yoga Coda II Buffalo Yoga Coda III |
Angela Ball
Ears |
Alice Friman
#2 The Dream of the Rotten Daughter Shattering |
Carole Simmons
An Excuse For Not Returning For Your Memorial Service |
Kevin Bowen
Walk: Hoan Kiem Que Hung |
Kary Wayson
Chief Snarcissus |
C. P. Cavafy
Days of 1909, '10, and '11 |
Kevin Prufer
Clairvoyant Claudius Adrift |
Norman Dubie
Ordinary Mornings of a Coliseum |
John Gallaher
to Successful Disappearing Hot House Hottentots |
Camille Norton
Music Songs Against Ending |
Pattiann Rogers
A Traversing |
Radha Marcum
50 Flowering Tree |
Elton Glaser
Half-Numb from Winter, on a Morning Almost Warm |
Sandra M. Gilbert
Skunk |
Gerald Majer
1948: Dizzy's Fez |
Arthur Sze
Script X and O |
Frannie Lindsay
Remains |
Bruce Beasley
Living Hand The Atoms of Unmeaning |
Poetry 2002: Four Review-Essays | |
Martha Collins
Into His Word (Agha Shahid Ali, Rooms Are Never Finished and Call Me Ishmael Tonight: A Book of Ghazals) |
David Young
Risks and Rewards (Gabriel Gudding, A Defense of Poetry; Ellen Bryant Voigt, Shadow of Heaven) |
Pamela Alexander
In Troubled Times (Mary Baine Campbell, Trouble; Kevin Prufer, The Finger Bone; Joy Katz, Fabulae) |
David Walker
The Real Story (Robert Thomas, Door to Door) |
Come to me.
Be one with my absurdities.
The mountain quivers in the gunmetal heat
And what voices I thought I longed for
Babble in a pencil case. Come, I say.
Don't just stand there like an end table
For all your on-guard sensibilities.
Watch my mouth. I am not your wallpaper.
I am not your Channel 8. The owl's swoop,
The mouse's cry, play out against dusk's
Well-oiled machinery. Even the colors
Fall into disrepair. We are not exempt.
The time devoted to writing this
Could have been heaven in a hammock
Kissing the no out of your mouth.
--Alice Friman
The night moves in silken dresses.
Sleeveless arms and thin bared legs beckoning.
Streetcorner sandals raise a body
forever weightless in the air.
Lights of cars dragon-eyed in dusk.
The city's soft geomancy of love.
Everything always as if on the point of entering another landscape.
As if life were only a matter of bodies and spaces,
there, for the light to sing.
--Kevin Bowen