About the Course
How Images Matter began
with a question I have asked myself for a long time. Why is it that
the US public does not seem to care (according to polling statistics)
when, over the years, Washington intervened, openly or covertly, to
overturn governments in Latin America, often installing dictatorships
and removing democracies (e.g. Guatemala, 1954, Chile, 1973)? Of course,
there are many ways to approach this question. Perhaps "Americans"
don't particularly care about what happens in other lands? [Notice that
we already have bumped into one aspect of the problem: to speak of an
"American" is in actuality to speak of the people who live
in the "Americas," from northern Canada to the tip of South
America. Yet, in the United States, when one speaks of an "American,"
one almost always thinks only of those from the United States.]
This could be an accurate assumption,
but it seems to go quite oddly with the common (US) understanding that
democracy is both a critical part of the US national identity and, at
least since the Wilson era, an international goal of Washington policymakers.
If we accept these last two points (at least in terms of public rhetoric),
than we have to explain a certain cognitive dissonance by which
public opinion appears both concerned with democracy and unconcerned
with undemocratic outcomes in other countries including those that have
been directly caused by actions taken in Washington.
Perhaps the answer is that the public
does not know about the actions its government takes abroad and the
consequences of those actions. It is probably fair to say that our government
(as with most governments): (a) releases little current information
about what it is doing abroad (e.g., most foreign policy records are
kept confidential for at least 25 years, some are never released; (b)
will "spin" its policies to conform with what it believes
the public is most concerned with (e.g., national security), whether
these are truly important or not; and, (c) relies on the fact that the
public seems to have a remarkably short attention span once Washington
and the media have decided to take "hot button" issues off
the front pages (e.g. how many people have even the foggiest impression
about Nicaragua, El Salvador, Grenada, or Panama, countries which supposedly
threatened the US national security as late as the 1980s and early 1990s?).
These, and others, are persuasive arguments.
But in contemplating this question, I felt it important to explore another,
additional, explanation. My hypothesis entering this course is that
the US public has come to accept that if democracy is the ultimate
and universal goal, it is not always an appropriate goal
for everyone. Sometimes this is understood in technical terms, as in
the argument that the people of Iraq are not "ready" to hold
elections because they lack needed resources (electoral registries,
political party systems, voting booths, methods of campaigning, electricity,
etc.). But, quite often, the argument revolves around a set of cultural
propositions which suggest that people in other parts of the world simply
lack the historical practice or cultural ability to be democratic.
My interest here is not to suggest that resources or history do not
matter (it is difficult to stage a vote when there are no lists
of voters), but rather to question why we see others, who have likely
governed themselves for quite a long time, as lacking the skills and
culture needed for self-rule?
The key to this course lies in the word
"see," because I will argue that the circulation of visual
images is central in providing a large audience with a picture of
a people who are in need of "our" help since "they"
do not seem able to successfully govern themselves. The
argument that we will be pursuing in this course is that over the course
of more than a century, the visual imagery of Latin America that
has been produced and circulated in the United States has often made
the case that Latin Americans (and Latinos/as, for reasons we will explore)
lack the necessary prerequisites for democratic rule.
This brings us to the first goal of the
course, the development of critical visual methodologies: How
does one "read" images with sophistication and insight? What
is the relationship between the producer and the consumer of an image?
How do technologies of visual production and reproduction shape the
message, audience, and impact of an image? How do we read historical
visual images and how do we understand history in visual imagery? Why
is the visual so powerful? I would guess that throughout your schooling
career so far you have gained a certain facility at textual literacy.
You understand that reading is not just a process of "decoding,"
that there are other processes involved before one understands what
happens in a written text. This course is designed to help you gain
similar tools in the understanding of visual imagery, particularly as
applied to historical studies (this is not an art course per se).
The second important goal of the course
is, by exploring the history of US involvement in Latin America over
the past 150 years via visual representations, to analyze the role
of the visual in the shaping of public opinion. To do this, we will
look at six key moments/problems in U.S.-Latin American history: Manifest
Destiny and the westward push of US settlers into Mexican territory;
the Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War of 1898; the period of heightened
intervention in the Caribbean and Central America between 1900-1920;
the Good Neighbor policy; the confrontation with revolution and revolutionaries
beginning with the Cuban Revolution; and the period of Central American
wars in the 1980s. It is quite important to understand that we will
not be analyzing US policy in Latin America (i.e. why
did Washington develop specific approaches -- I do that in my course
on "The United States and Latin America"). Instead, we will
be examining a variety of visual (and in some cases textual) messages
about Latin America consumed by contemporary US audiences.
The third goal, implicit in what I have
said above, is to understand that if imagery can be used to present
negative representations of a subject population, it can also be a site
of resistance to that representation -- indeed, the very same
image can be read by some as disempowering and by others as liberating.
If you're unsure what I mean, look at the photograph below of Guillermo
Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco. Here, in a nutshell, is an
example of the complexity of visual analysis. Particularly as we move
into postmodern imagery, advertising above all, we will see how stereotypes
which have previously functioned to constrain are now deployed as irony
in order to resist.

"The Postponed Event,"
Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco
Fourth, one goal for the course is to
encourage you to think about what are interesting questions to ask and
how to go about answering them. This course is designed to help me (and
us) answer a question that I've thought about for a long time. I've
structured it in a way that I think can help us answer the question,
but we really won't know until we've done the work. To put it quite
simply: don't expect me to give you an answer to this question since
I don't have one yet. At the end of the course, hopefully, we'll all
know something more about it.
And, finally, there are a number of goals
for the course that are designed specifically to bring you into the
academic endeavor at Oberlin College and to sharpen the skills that
you will need during your four years here and as well as throughout
your lives. There will be a lot of writing and oral discussion, as both
of these are quite critical for intellectual engagement. You should
strengthen your ability to find appropriate research materials (particularly
visual materials) in the Oberlin library, in major research libraries,
and via the Internet, and, of course, all of this should be in service
of helping you develop your critical thinking skills (even as you help
me develop my own).
I. Assignments, Grading, Honor Code
Reading is assigned for almost every
week in the course. For the most part, the syllabus will tell you
whether you need to have finished the reading assignment before
the Monday or Wednesday class or what needs to be read for each
session. The class can't function unless you do the reading on time.
Journal Writing:
You are expected to keep a "Journal"
over the course of the semester. Many, if not all of you, are certainly
experienced at journal writing. As one of the central features of
the course is the way in which imagery impacts the viewer, and as
this impact is quite often an unconscious one, I would like you
to use your journal to reflect on images that you see, taking some
time to think about what the creator of the images intended that
you see as well as on the impact that the image had on you. You
can draw on any visual image (television, movies, advertisements,
newspapers, cartoons, etc.). These journals will be collected a
number of times during the course of the semester, as well as at
the end of the semester. They will not be graded except to note
if they have not been written.
Posting questions to "Blackboard:"
For most classes, you will be expected
to post 1-2 questions on the reading to "Blackboard."
Note: don't post any questions that you wouldn't want to spend some
time answering. (More on this during class.)
Formal writing assignments:
You will have four non-journal writing
assignments over the course of the semester. I will require that
you turn in at least one draft for each paper before the final draft.
Preliminary drafts will not be graded, although the final assignments
Final Grade:
Your final grade will be determined
as follows:
- Class participation: 25%
- First Paper: 10%
- Second Paper: 20%
- Third Paper: 20%
- Final Paper: 25%
Honor Code
Oberlin College is on the Honor Code.
Information on what this means (e.g. cheating, plagiarism, fabrication)
and your responsibilities as students can be found at the Honor
Code site. You must sign the honor code on all written assignments.
There are a variety of ways in which
you will be accessing the materials for this course:
1. Books: These can be purchased
at the bookstore, purchased through an on-line bookseller (e.g. Amazon.com,
etc.), obtained at the Reserve Desk of the library, or requested through
OhioLink. [More on all of this in class].
2. Articles: These will be available:
Through Electronic
Reserve which runs through the library's electronic website.
First enter my name or the course number (fysp175). Click on this
course and you will be taken to a dialog box where you must enter
a password. Enter: fysp175 (all lower case). At that point you will
be taken to a list of articles; just click on what you want to read,
and it will open;
Directly by clicking on the link
on this electronic syllabus (e.g. click on: Caballero's
Way and you will be taken to the first reading for the course);
Through the "Blackboard"
system. [Instructions for logging on to "Blackboard" can
be found at: http://www.oberlin.edu/OCTET/Bb/login_enroll.htm.
Once you are in to "Blackboard," you will find the readings
under the "Course Documents" section.
Finally, some articles will be linked
to major journals collections, usually at JSTOR.
This will be directly linked into the electronic syllabus.
3. Visual Materials: These will
be available either in the "Course Documents" section of
"Blackboard," or on the internet. There is also a special
page of visual links for this course which can be found at: Visual
Resources for FYSP-175.
NB: If you are having any problems
getting to the reading/visual materials, please see me (or send me
an email) quickly! Don't wait.
Sources on Latin America
I have compiled a great many Internet
sources and resources on Latin America at Sources
and Resources on Latin America. This resource includes a variety
of materials from the history of Latin America to organizations
and publications of interest to activists working on Latin American
issues. When using the on-line version of the syllabus, simply click
on “Sources
and Resources.”
Books Recommended for Purchase
Stuart Hall, ed., Representation:
Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (London: Sage
Publications), 1997.
Frederick B. Pike, The United States
and Latin America: Myths and Stereotypes of Civilization and Nature
(Austin: University of Texas Press), 1992. [NOTE: This book will not
be at the bookstore. Either you can get it through an on-line bookseller
or through OhioLink.]
Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright,
Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture (New
York: Oxford University Press), 2001.

"Still Coming"
1916 - An angry General Pershing in Mexico stomps a nest of rattlesnakes,
called bandits and "villistas," followers of Pancho Villa
(Lute Pease, artist. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division)
Sept. 3 (Wed): Introduction and Overview
O'Henry, "The
Caballero's Way"
Much of the content of this unit will
concern questions of representation and an introduction to visual methodologies.
After a quick look at representation in language and issues of semiotics,
we will then turn to visual literacies and introduce various types of
visual information, particularly photography and film.
Sept. 8, 10: Introduction to Visuality
and Culture
Reading (finish reading by Wednesday):
Stuart Hall, "Introduction,"
and "The Work of Representation," in Stuart Hall, ed., Representation:
Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (Milton Keynes,
UK: The Open University, and London: Sage Publications, 1997), pp.
René Decartes, "Optics,"
in Nicholas Mirzoeff, ed., The Visual Culture Reader (London
and New York: Routledge, 1998), pp. 60-65. [ERes]

Fielding Mellish (Woody
Allen) as guerrilla leader in "Bananas" (1971)
First Assignment:
The first draft of your first assignment will be due in class on Sept.
15; the final draft should be turned in during class on Sept. 22.
Sept. 15, 17: Practices of Looking
Reading (finish reading by Wednesday):
Peter Hamilton, "Representing
the Social: France and Frenchness in Post-War Humanist Photography,"
Hall, ed., Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying
Practices, pp. 75-150.
Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright,
Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture (New
York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), Introduction and
Chapter 1 (pp. 1-44).
Sept. 22, 24: Viewers/Spectators:
Representing the Other, Notions of Stereotype
Sept. 22 - Discussion: Viewership
and the "gaze"
Sturken and Cartwright, Practices
of Looking, Chs. 2-3 (pp. 45-108).
Sept. 24 - Discussion: The idea
of the "other."
Stuart Hall, "The Spectacle of
the 'Other'," in Hall, ed., Representation: Cultural Representations
and Signifying Practices, pp. 223-290.
Charles Ramírez Berg, "Categorizing
the Other: Stereotypes and Stereotyping," Latino Images in
Film: Stereotypes, Subversion, Resistance (Austin: University
of Texas Press, 2002), pp. 13-37. [ERes]

"A Little More Effort,
Señor," Hugh Hutton, Philadelphia Inquirer (1961)
from John J. Johnson, Latin America in Caricature (Austin:
University of Texas Press, 1980), p. 67.
Optional Background Reading: Eric
Alterman, Who Speaks for America? Why Democracy Matters in Foreign
Policy (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1998), Section
I: The Rise and Fall of a Liberal Republic: A Short History (pp. 23-97).
Sept. 29, Oct. 1: The Western Push
and the Notion of the Frontier: Nature, Culture, and Manifest Destiny
Sept. 29 - Discussion: Frontier
imagery (images on Blackboard)
L. O'Sullivan, "Annexation," United States Magazine and
Democratic Review 17, no.1 (July-August 1845): 5-10
John Gast, "American Progress" (click for larger)
Oct. 1 - Discussion: Frederick
Pike's argument
Reading (to be completed by Wednesday
Frederick B. Pike, The United States
and Latin America: Myths and Stereotypes of Civilization and Nature
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992), Preface and Chs. 1-4 (xiii
- 153).
8: Technologies of Looking and the Spanish-Cuban-American-Filipino War
Oct. 8 - What do we learn by
looking at images of the Spanish-Cuban-American-Filipino War?
Sturken and Cartwright, Practices
of Looking, Ch. 4 (pp. 109-150) and Ch. 8 (pp. 279-290 only).
Pike, The United States and Latin
America, Ch. 5 (pp. 154-192). [Skim]
Laura Wexler, "What a Woman Can
Do With A Camera," Tender Violence: Domestic Visions in an
Age of US Imperialism (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 2000), pp. 15-51.
McKinley, "War Message" (1898)
Jennings Bryant, "America's Mission," Feb. 1899

Tableau representing
Confederate and Union reconciliation to free Cuba - Spanish American
War (photographer unknown)
Second Assignment:
The first draft of your second assignment will be due in class on Monday,
Oct. 13; the final draft should be turned in during class on the Monday
following Fall Break, Oct. 27.
Oct. 13, 15: Classic and New Imperialism:
US Policy in the Caribbean and the Philippines from Roosevelt through
Wilson. Caricatures, Editorial Cartooning, Poster Work
Oct. 13 - Discussion of Pike:
US Policy from Roosevelt to Wilson
Pike, The United States and Latin
America, Chs. 6-7 (pp. 193-257).
Wilson, "Peace without Victory: Address to the United States
Senate," January 22, 1917
Oct. 15 - Latin America in Caricature
Images from John J. Johnson, Latin
America in Caricature (Austin: University of Texas Press), 1980.
[Images posted to "Course Documents" on "Blackboard"]

Uncle Sam holding "Porto Rico's"
hand: "And to think that bad boy [Cuba] came near being your
brother," Chicago Inter Ocean, 1905
Oct. 27, 29: Film and Mass Media -
The "Latin" Image at Home and Abroad
Oct. 27: Film and Mass Media
- Discussion of Sturken and Cartwright
Sturken and Cartwright, Practices
of Looking, Ch. 5 (pp. 151-188).
Oct. 29: Creation of the Hollywood
In-class screening: The Bronze
Screen: 100 Years of the Latino Image in Hollywood
Charles Ramírez Berg, "A
Crash Course on Hollywood's Latino Imagery," Latino Images
in Film: Stereotypes, Subversion, Resistance (Austin: University
of Texas Press, 2002), pp. 66-86. [ERes]
Allen L. Woll, "The Attack of
the Greasers," The Latin Image in American Film, rev.
ed. (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1980),
pp. 6-28. [ERes]
Chon Noriega, "Citizen Chicano:
The Trials and Titillations of Ethnicity in the American Cinema, 1935-1962,"
in Clara E. Rodríguez, ed., Latin Looks: Images of Latinas
and Latinos in the US Media (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997),
pp. 85-103. [ERes]

Carmen Miranda
Nov. 3, 5: Making Up IsHard to Do.
Uncle Sam as the Good Neighbor
Nov. 3 - Three Caballeros
View Disney's "Three Caballeros"
(1945) outside of class (video available at library). Discussion of
Pike, The United States and Latin
America, Ch. 8 (pp. 258-296).
Julianne Burton, "Don (Juanito)
Duck and the Imperial-Patriarchal Unconscious: Disney Studios, the
Good Neighbor Policy and Packaging of Latin America," in Andrew
Parker, Mary Russo, Doris Sommer and Patricia Yaeger, eds., Nationalism
and Sexualities (New York and London: Routledge, 1992), pp. 21-41.
[NOTE: Enter "hist294" as the password to get in to this
Nov. 5 - Hollywood and the Good
Allen L. Woll, "Hollywood's Good
Neighbor Policy," The Latin Image in American Film, rev.
ed. (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1980),
pp. 53-75. [ERes]
Optional: Scott Schaffer, "Disney
and the Imagineering of Histories," in Postmodern Culture
VI:3 (May 1996).

José Carioca
(from "Three Caballeros")
Third Assignment:
The first draft of your third assignment will be due in class on Nov.
10; the final draft should be turned in during class on Nov. 17.
Nov. 10, 12: Confronting Revolution
and Revolutionaries: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grenada
Pike, The United States and Latin
America, Ch. 9 (pp. 297-328).
F. Kennedy, "Address, in Chicago to Democratic Party Dinner,"
April 28, 1961, Public Papers of the Presidents, Kennedy, 1961,
p. 340
before the American Society of Newspaper Editors
President John F. Kennedy, Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
(April 20, 1961): Remarks on the Failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion
at a White House Reception for Members of Congress and for the Diplomatic
Corps of the Latin American Republics, President John F. Kennedy (March
13, 1961)
C. Mann Oral History Interview (on file at Lyndon B. Johnson Library:
Oral History Collection).
Mann was the US Ambassador to Mexico (1961-1963); Assistant Secretary
of State for Inter-American Affairs (1964), and Under-Secretary of
State for Economic Affairs (1965-66). He was a key Latin American
expert in the Kennedy and Johnson years. Focus on the US intervention
into the Dominican Republic in this interview. Go to the very bottom
of page 15 (on your browser, page 11 of the actual transcript) and
read through the middle of page 20 (pg. 16 of the actual transcript).
B. Johnson, Remarks at the Signing of the Immigration Bill, Liberty
Island, New York (October 3, 1965 )
of the President and Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica Announcing
the Deployment of United States Forces in Grenada (October 25, 1983)
to the Nation on Events in Lebanon and Grenada (Oct. 27, 1983)
Summary and Analysis of the Report of the National Bipartisan "Kissinger"
Commission on Central America, January 1984 (prepared by the Congressional
Research Service). While not the verbatim report, it is very close
to the original (which is not available on-line). Read
from CRS- PAGE 7 through CRS- PAGE 18

"Shapers of US Foreign
Policy," Steve Greenberg
Nov. 17, 19: How Far is Kansas City
from Washington? Marketing the Central American Wars
Address to the Nation on Recommendations of the National Bipartisan
Commission on Central America (January 14, 1984)
Address to the Nation on Central America (March 24, 1984)
Reagan, Remarks at a White House Meeting for Supporters of United
States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance (March
3, 1986)
at an Exhibit of Weapons Captured in Central America (March 13, 1986)
Address to the Nation on the Situation in Nicaragua (March 15, 1986)
from the Reagan Library Archive (See,
in particular, "Iran
Contra" and "Lebanon
and Grenada")
For those who speak Spanish: "Embajadora
de E.U.A. advierte contra FMLN," and “Peligraría
inversión americana,” La Prensa Grafica (June

shirt Collectible
"Che" Plate
Nov. 24, 26: Selling Latin America,
revolution and Latinidad in a Postmodern World. Advertising and
the Contemporary Marketing of Latin America.
Nov. 24 - Advertising
Sturken and Cartwright, Practices
of Looking, Ch. 6 (pp. 189-236).
Anne McClintock, "Soft-Soaping
Empire: Commodity Racism and Imperial Advertising," in Nicholas
Mirzoeff, ed., The Visual Culture Reader (London and New York:
Routledge, 1998), pp. 304-316. [ERes]
Arlene Dávila, "Images:
Producing Culture for the Market," Latinos, Inc. The Marketing
and Making of a People (Berkeley: University of California Press,
2001), pp. 88-125 and "Screening the Image," pp. 126-152.
Raymond Williams, "Advertising: the Magic System," Problems
in Materialism and Culture [Course Documents: Williams Advertising]
Nov. 26 - Postmodernity - "Blame
it on Lisa" (Discussion
of a Simpsons episode (first aired March 31, 2002).
Sturken and Cartwright, Practices
of Looking, Ch. 9 (pp. 315-348).

Bacardi Rum advertising: "Librarian
by day; Bacardi by night"
UNIT III: Bringing it Home. Locating
Resistance in Visual Culture - Democracy and Foreign Policy Reconsidered
Dec. 1, 3: Public Opinion, Democracy,
and Foreign Policy
In this section we will be deepening
our discussion on what is public opinion and how visual messages
shape it, and we will further explore the "directionality"
of the linkage between public opinion and foreign policy, suggesting
ways in which power shapes culture and moments of resistance in that
Dec. 1 - Discussion: Can we locate
resistance in "public opinion?"
James Mill, "Liberty of the Press,"
[Course Documents: Mill Liberty]
Selections from Walter Lippmann, Public
Opinion (1922). [Course Documents: Lippmann Public]
John Dewey, "Public Opinion"
(review of Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion), The New Republic,
May 3, 1922 (286-288. [Course Documents: Dewey Public]
Dec. 3 - Discussion: Does "public
opinion" have an impact on foreign policy?
Contrast the views of:
Gabriel A. Almond, "World Leadership
and Human Material," The American People and Foreign Policy
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1950), 3-10. [ERes]
Ole R. Holsti, "Introduction,"
Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy (Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press, 1996), pp. 1-21. [ERes]
Douglas C. Foyle, "Linking Public
Opinion and Foreign Policy," Counting the Public In: Presidents,
Public Opinion and Foreign Policy (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1999), pp. 1-29. [ERes]

Andrew Benyei, "Public Opinion,"
mixed media
The first draft for your last assignment is due during class on December
Dec. 8, 10: The Problem of Democracy
in Contemporary US Foreign Policy - Conclusions
"Americans are a
free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and
the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift
to the world, it is God's gift to humanity." George W. Bush, State
of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003.
Pike, The United States and Latin
America, Ch. 10 (pp. 329-365).
Security Strategy of the United States of America (Sept. 2002): Read
introduction through Section II
Emperor's New Clothes, Leif Zetterling (Sweden)
The final draft of your final assignment is due at 4:30 PM on Dec. 15,
with the possibility of an extension until Thursday, Dec. 18 at 7:00
PM. NO work will be accepted after that date unless you request an OFFICIAL
incomplete in the course.