Oberlin Blogs

Spring Snapshot

March 11, 2024

Kate Magnacca ’26

Hello beloved blog readers! Oh how I’ve missed you all-- it has been a positively wild and crazy time lately. But not today! Thanks to an out-of-town professor, my health psychology class is canceled and I am instead happily cozied up with my kitty.

If you're currently a senior, I can assume that this time of year is crazy for you as well. I remember senior spring as a flurry of panic and preparation, impatient waiting periods peppered with maelstroms of emotion. What I learned from that time is that during busy/stressful periods, it's best to strive to ensure that my days are at least as fulfilling as they are exhausting-- otherwise, what would be the point? This weekend was a wonderful example of this-- absolutely packed, but packed with things that nourish my mind, body, and heart. Allow me to paint you a picture: 


My research methods class had a day off, so I got to sleep in until 10! I should have been in lab at 11, but instead took the morning to catch up on work. Then I spent the afternoon running through music for the show I'm in and memorizing lines. After a quick lunch at Decafe, I had class in Severance at 2:30. From there, I went straight to the pottery co-op-- I'm trying to learn how to throw, which is such an endeavor that it will receive its own post. My friend Oli showed up and gave me an impromptu lesson around 4. Eventually our grumbling stomachs motivated us to brave the rain. On our way to Clarity, we ran into Oli's friend Yana, who invited us to Tank pizza night. It was my first non-Harkness co-op meal, and it did not disappoint. Ballads will be written about those cinnamon knots.

Upon reaching the promised land (aka my room), I relaxed for all of two minutes before the next adventure-- a spontaneous craft supplies run with my friend Hillary. On the drive we alternated between chatting and screaming Taylor Swift songs at the top of our lungs. By the time we got home my voice was hoarse. It was perfect. Afterward, we watched the Doctor Who goblin episode and crocheted.


VIBE tap was first up, at 10:45. We had a fun rehearsal learning new choreo. After tap, most of us migrated upstairs for VIBE jazz. Post-VIBE, I went to Clarity before my next rehearsal. From there it was straight to South Studios for AIYM. We blocked a couple of songs and had a great time doing it. We also got our scripts! (P.S. follow @aiym_oberlin). After rehearsal I had plans with Alvaro, Hillary, and Evelyn to watch Catching Fire. By the time we finished, it was around 10pm. They all went to the Hales late nighter (for the bouncy house, of course), but I opted to visit the pottery co-op in my pajamas. I stayed there until midnight.


I had work at For Ewe at 11. Though it was a slow morning, the shop picked up in the afternoon and I had a truly lovely time with our customers. My mom and I facetimed and ran lines during my downtime. I also got some reading and knitting done. I closed up at 4:30, stopped home, and went to Heritage dinner. At 6, I had Pitch Please rehearsal, where we worked on our pieces for study break. At 8, I went home and crafted with Gilmore Girls on. On my way to bed, I made a mouse friend (re: saw a mouse in the dorm, screamed a lot, and called Campus Safety).

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