Oberlin Blogs


January 9, 2024

Chloe Martin '27

When I toured Oberlin in high school, I remember people saying that the hardest part about living in Ohio is the weather. I was told that the winters were long, cold, dark, and dreary.  But while to many students this was a con, I was so excited to see snow for the first time at Oberlin. Prior to this December, the last time I saw snow cover the ground was over three years ago. In North Carolina, we would get a few centimeters of snow at most, and it would never last for very long. So I was thrilled that this December brought me several snows. 

December was my first finals season ever. While things felt rushed and chaotic, I also found solace in the beauty of winter and the many fun activities made available to students to help alleviate stress. As I was walking to my last final, big snowflakes began to fall from the sky, and when I emerged two hours later the snow blanketed the ground in big glorious sheets. 

Snow in north quad
Footsteps lead out to North Quad where students are building snowmen!

As I walked back to my dorm, I felt a sense of happiness wash over me. Not just because my exams were done, but because as I looked out over North Quad and watched strangers emerge from their dorms to play in the snow I was reminded of why I love Oberlin. As students, we forge relationships with one another whether knowingly or unknowingly. We create community from shared experiences, ideals, and values. As students built snowmen and commenced in a spirited snowball fight, I saw a small piece of the community of which we are continuously creating. When I was a prospective student, one of the main reasons I applied to Oberlin was precisely for moments like this. 

So while many people will tell you just how much they dread winter, I am here to tell you the opposite. I love winter, and experiencing it for the first time at Oberlin has lived up to every expectation I had.  To share my love of winter I've created a short list of my favorite activities to do in winter, especially in snow. I hope these help you envision yourself on campus during winter, and they make you just as excited as they make me!

  1. Going to a movie at the Apollo. When it’s freezing out, nobody really likes the idea of walking across campus at 10pm. But let me tell you that this is worth putting on all those extra layers. Nothing beats town during December. It’s like a scene straight out of a Hallmark movie with lights and decorations everywhere. Watching a movie in a cozy warm theater is, to me, the perfect way to spend a winter night.
    Me enjoying town on the way to the Apollo.
    Enjoying town!
  2. Attend Walkin’ In a Winter Oberlin. This is one of those things that I didn’t even know about prior to arriving on campus and seeing it in the campus digest one day. With holiday treats, shopping, activities, and a parade, this was definitely a great way to spend a December night. 
    A view from the parade
    My favorite float.
  3. Watch movies in a dorm lounge. With so many daily activities to choose from at Oberlin, a night in your dorm can seem kind of boring. But let me paint the picture for you; you’ve picked up some drinks at DeCafe, your friends have pooled their snack stash, bowls of ramen are queued in line for the microwave, and there is an ever raging argument about what movie to put on next. Unexpectedly, the best part about this is that your dorm lounge isn’t private. Tons of people are walking through the common area, and many of them will stay to hang out with you. It’s a perfect way to meet new people and bond over the simple ideal of a night in, especially on a snowy night. 
    Ramen from DeCafe with a poached egg
    'Fancy' ramen for movie night.
  4. Bake cookies. While this is something I’ve only done once, I can’t wait to do it again. During finals my friend and I had to make baked goods for our seminar final. While initially it felt bothersome--who has time to bake during finals-- we found baking to be really fun. We enjoyed taking a few minutes away from the stress of finals to do something that was not only enjoyable, but also weirdly fulfilling. Enjoying homemade baked goods with classmates is not only a great way to beat the stress, but also a perfect way to enjoy a snowy day in college. 
    Cookie baking in my dorm
    Baking cookies in Burton!
  5. Winter sleepover.  Probably one of my favorite things I did this winter was have a sleepover with all my friends. It was cold out, so we piled under blankets and watched TV on the ceiling with a portable projector. We had so much fun eating snacks while doing face masks and friendship bracelets. Although my back was sore for days (dorm flooring isn't exactly the most comfortable), the fun memories I have from that night made it all worth it! 
    Watching tv on the projector.
    Watching movies through the projector.
  6. Hit the gym with friends (or solo!). I’ve never really been athletic, so the first time I went to the gym it took a little convincing from my friends. But since going to the gym I’ve made it a weekly habit to work out. The exercise room is covered in huge windows that make it the perfect viewing room for, you guessed it, snow. Whether with friends or solo, I find walking on the treadmill while enjoying the general splendor of winter really nice. 

    Me struggling to do an arm workout at the gym
    Me struggling to do an arm workout.

I hope that, although simple, this list makes you excited to experience winter at Oberlin. It truly is my favorite time of year, and there are so many ways to make the most of the longest season in Ohio. Here’s to many, many more snows!


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