Oberlin Blogs

Hanne Williams-Baron ’19

Howdy! I’m Hanne (she/her), a fourth-year from foggy San Francisco, CA. I’m a Comparative American Studies major and Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies minor here, and I’m generally a pretty happy camper. I live in a semi-haunted house off-campus, and am working on becoming friends with the groundhog that lives in my backyard. It’s going well so far!

On campus, I spend most of my time working as a booker and manager at the Cat in the Cream, Oberlin’s coziest student-run performance space. I also love writing and performing poetry with OSLAM, our slam poetry team! On Tuesdays, I lead a group of sweet first-years through PAL, the Peer Advising Leaders program. I’ve explored so many passions at Oberlin, and am always trying something new. In my time here, I’ve served on Student Senate, volunteered with HIV Peer Testing, have been an active bystander with the Oberlin Bystander Initiative, and I’ve been a major representative for Comparative American Studies. I love talking about bodies and fat liberation, reading about community responses to climate change, and learning about how to best support the people I love. 

When not plotting ways to get more Obies to read poems, you can find me soothing the kittens at Ginko Gallery, wandering the galleries at the Allen Memorial Art Museum, and crafting sparkly earrings at Bead Paradise. If you see me around campus, please say hi! I’m easy to spot as I usually dress towards a philosophy of maximalism – bright yellows, oranges, pinks, and sequins are all right up my alley. I can’t wait to get to know you, lovely readers!

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