Faculty and Staff Notes

Ellis Tallman Published in Macroeconomic Dynamics

February 18, 2014

Danforth-Lewis Professor of Economics Ellis Tallman is coauthor of an article, “Business Cycles and Financial Crises: The Roles of Credit Supply and Demand Shocks,” recently published in the journal Macroeconomic Dynamics. The paper explores the hypothesis that the sources of economic and financial crises differ from those of noncrisis business cycle fluctuations.

Shulamit Magnus Collaborates with the Museum for the History of Polish Jews

February 12, 2014

The Museum for the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, which will officially open to the public in October 2014, has requested permission to use excerpts from Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and History Shulamit Magnus’ translation and critical edition of Pauline Wengeroff’s Memoirs of a Grandmother: Scenes from the Cultural History of the Jews in Russia in the Nineteenth Century. The museum will use the excerpts to illustrate its audio-visual gallery focusing on changes in Jewish life in modernity. The museum also has invited Magnus to its opening and offered her a lecture opportunity.

Kirk Ormand Publishes Article in New Book

February 12, 2014

Professor of Classics Kirk Ormand’s article, “Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Discipline of Classics,” appears in A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities, published this year by Wiley-Blackwell. “The book makes an excellent Valentine's Day gift and is available at finer booksellers everywhere,” he says.

Nancy Darling Cited in New York Magazine

February 12, 2014

Professor of Psychology Nancy Darling’s work was cited in the January 12, 2014, New York Magazine feature article, “The Collateral Damage of a Teenager.” Exploring the idea that what adolescence does to teens is nowhere near as brutal as what it does to their parents, the author cited Darling’s “nuanced analysis of what, precisely, makes the adolescent struggle for autonomy so contentious. Most kids, she notes, have no objections when their parents try to enforce moral standards or societal conventions. ... What children object to are attempts to regulate more personal preferences, matters of taste: the music they listen to, the entertainments they pursue, the company they keep. ... The problem, says Darling, is that during adolescence questions of preference start to bleed into questions of morality and safety, and it often becomes impossible to discern where the line is.”

Anuradha Dingwaney Needham Publishes in South Asian Review

February 12, 2014

Longman Professor of English Anuradha Dingwaney Needham's essay “’Performing Women’ and the Gendered National Imagination: An Exploration of Shyam Benegal's Sardari Begum,” has appeared in a special issue of South Asian Review/ (34.3 [Winter 2013/14] focusing on gender and sexuality in South Asian literature and culture. The article draws upon a chapter from Needham’s recently published book New Indian Cinema in Post-Independence India.

Sebastiaan Faber Presents and Publishes

February 12, 2014

Since the beginning of the fall semester, Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has published an essay about the crisis of the humanities in the Spanish magazine FronteraD; an interview with National Security Archive analyst Kate Doyle and two columns in the Spanish cooperative newspaper La Marea; an essay about Catalan exiles in Mexico in the journal Fractal; a review essay in the journal ALCESXXI; and two peer-reviewed articles: one on the legacy of Spanish Civil War exile in Mexico in Historia del Presente and another on postmemory in Pasavento. He also gave a keynote address in November at a conference in Madrid about fiction, justice, and historical memory. Earlier in 2013, he published an interview with LSE historian Paul Preston. The new edition of Guillermo del Toro’s 2001 gothic masterpiece The Devil’s Backbone that came out with the Criterion Collection this past July includes an interview with Faber in a 15-minute featurette about the film’s historical background; he was also interviewed in a documentary about war photographer Robert Capa, El món en què volíem viure (The World in Which We Want to Live), which was broadcast on Catalan television on January 14.

Lorraine Manz Elected to American Academy of Teachers of Singing

January 30, 2014

Associate Professor of Singing Lorraine Manz has been unanimously elected to membership of the American Academy of Teachers of Singing. Established in 1945, the AATS consists of nationally recognized teachers of singing and voice experts, as well as esteemed performers of classical and contemporary commercial music, noted authors, and voice science researchers. The academy consists of only 30 members, and all members are admitted solely by invitation. Manz will be inducted in a ceremony at Columbia University’s Teachers College on February 10.

Symposium to Explore Johnny Coleman’s Installation at Fort Wayne Museum of Art

January 29, 2014

On February 22, the Fort Wayne Museum of Art will host a symposium, Underground No More, that will explore Professor of Art and African American Studies Johnny Coleman’s installation, Flight: Requiem for Lee Howard Dobbins. The 4-year-old Dobbins died in 1853 in Oberlin, where he had arrived with his adopted mother after fleeing slavery in Kentucky.Composed of six tons of Ohio River rock and West African-inspired seats made of recovered oak, hickory, maple, and rusted tin, Flight also includes an audio recording of the woven voices of African American women from Oberlin speaking to the child and the sound of the first moment of the new day recorded just before midnight on Lake Erie’s Kelley’s Island. “The space is intended to be a place of rest,” says Coleman, “one within which this boy who died alone among strangers is claimed, his beauty acknowledged.”

Nancy Darling Recognized, Published

January 29, 2014

Professor of Psychology Nancy Darling has received two recent honors. She was elected to the executive council of the Society for Research in Adolescence, an international, multidisciplinary society fostering the study of youth during the second decade of life. She also was awarded an honorary doctorate from Orebro University in Sweden for lifetime achievement. Darling’s most recent paper, “What’s in a name? Distinguishing between routine disclosure and self-disclosure,” was published in October in the Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Simanti Banerjee Coauthors Chapter

January 29, 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics Simanti Banerjee is coauthor of a chapter, “Incentives, Private Ownership, and Biodiversity Conservation,” that appears in the recently published book Nature in the Balance: The Economics of Biodiversity.